climate banner image


a high-resolution animated interactive global map
of present and possible future climate

data and visualisation produced by the climate data factory
with support from the Copernicus Climate Change Service and
through project High-resolution climate projections
A TCDF-aligned climate hazard dataset for climate related financial disclosures

Displayed Data

"future" conditions are from a worst case scenario
with no effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
(Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 of IPCC)
as simulated by and averaged from four climate models

the data represent conditions at near ground or water level
a layer that follows the contours of the sea, valleys, mountains, etc.

Temperature Temperature at 2 meter above ground
Precipitation Total precipitation (water and/or snow) at ground surface

Keyboard Shortcuts

e Показать меню
escape Закрыть диалог/меню
n сейчас (последние данные)
shift-c show the date selection calendar
j назад на один временной промежуток
shift-j назад на несколько временных промежутков
k вперед на один временной промежуток
shift-k вперед на несколько временных промежутков
g сетка вкл/выкл
p анимация вкл/выкл
shift-h вкл/выкл режим высого разрешения
shift-t show settings
i вверх на один уровень давления
shift-i вверх к стратосфере
m вниз на один уровень давления
shift-m вниз к поверхности
d zoom in
shift-d zoom in faster
x zoom out
shift-x zoom out faster
w rotate up
shift-w rotate up faster
z rotate down
shift-z rotate down faster
a rotate left
shift-a rotate left faster
s rotate right
shift-s rotate right faster


Inspired and adapted from
Open version of code
Hosting Amazon S3
CDN CloudFlare
Color Scales

terms of service apply

Copyright (c) 2023 the climate data factory